Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 11, the countdown to summer vacation begins!

This week's topic, "Online Collaboration and Productivity", promised to be very exciting, because I thought it would deal with how best to use all of the tools we've been introduced to, in an organized and methodical manner...but yeah, that was a little too much to expect, and I realize that each of us has to figure that process out on our own--how much time to spend blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, pod-casting, wikiing, Flickring, tagging and bookmarking.....mama mia, that's a lotta networking!!
When I logged on to Google Docs I realized that I already use this service, because I found my daughter's grad school application that she had sent me earlier in the spring, to proof-read and possibly edit it for her--amazing! I'm using networking skills that I didn't even know I had!
I'm hoping when our training is completed that I can go back and try to gain some expertise in many of the activities that I've learned--instead of spending hours on end on Facebook, Yahoo messenger, Twitter, etc!
It seems that this latest tool would be useful for many of our computer users here at the library, especially students, teachers, and groups of people who all have the same interests, in sending documents back and forth to each other for study and editing. Very helpful!

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